Archive for the 'The Stash 2016' Category

July 17th, 2016 - The Stash

Hey, long time, no post on blog. What’s up with that! Anyway, here I am after a long absence. I’ve been busy, doing all kinds of stuff but not getting enough quilting done. Oh but I’ve managed to buy fabric, too much in fact. So here is my current status report.

Fabric used since the last time: 21.24 yds

Fabric used year to date: 88.87 yds

Fabric purchased since the last time: 23.65 yds

Fabric purchased year to date: 70.99 yds

Net fabric busted: 17.88 yds

I’ve been to 2 shop hops. Imagine that! At the first one, I really tried not to buy fabric but one shop had some Jane Sassaman fabric for 7.99/meter. In Canada that’s a great deal. So I bought some. Then I was looking for a particular piece of black so that involved buying a few different meters. And since everything was on sale, I bought some tan flannel for backing. The 2nd shop hop was a lot better. I only bought a jelly roll.  Now I need to get busy and sew like a mad woman. Later!

January 29th, 2016 - The Stash

So I said I wasn’t going to buy any more fabric. Right! That didn’t last very long. But (there’s always a but) it was on sale and it’s not really for the stash. I received a 50% off coupon in my email from Fabricland, which is the only fabric store here in Windsor ON besides a quilt shop. How pathetic is that! In fact, it’s the only non-quilt shop within an hour drive. So with coupon in hand I went in to buy some cozy flannel for backings for comfort quilts. One coupon entitled you to 50% off, one cut of fabric. I wasn’t sure if I could use multiple coupons so I thought I would wait and ask before I got the fabric cut. That store sometimes has some really crappy fabric but this time I was in luck. I bought some nice quilt quality flannel in a marble tan. I went back the next day and bought a grey and black check that would really cute on the back of a pink quilt and got 50% off again. I then thought I had enough flannel to do a few quilts but I was talking to my friend and she said it wasn’t often that you could get such a coupon. So I went back again the last day of the sale and bought more flannel, a really nice marble yellow. I guess I was lucky I only printed 3 coupons off that email or I would have acquired even more fabric.

I received a gift certificate from my son for the local quilt shop. I was going to use it to only get gadgets or fabric for comfort quilts. But then I thought it was a gift for me so I should buy something I want. So what did I do? I went to the shop and bought some greys to do the Moda Sampler Block Shuffle. It’s not Moda fabric but I’m hoping it will look awesome. Once I get a few blocks made, I’ll be posting a picture.

On that note here are my numbers for the last month.

Fabric used since the last time: 40.12 yds mostly backings for comfort quilts

Fabric used YTD: 40.12 yds

Fabric added YTD: 35.79 yds

Net fabric busted: 4.33 yds

It’s amazing, I’m still in the good!

January 3rd, 2016 - It’s A New Year

Here we are in a new year. Once again, I’ll see if I can keep track of fabric used and fabric purchased. Since starting a stash report in 2009, I’m amazed at how my fabric purchases have added up. In 7 years of posting, I’ve used 1273.95 yards of fabric, purchased 1486.305 yards of fabric with my stash accumulating 212.355 yards of fabric. Plus the 6.5 yards I received as a gift for Christmas or my birthday (just days apart). So that stash total should be 218.855 yards.

Right now, all I want to do is start some new projects but I’ve got mending to do for my son. I already hemmed 2 pairs of pants, labelled my grandson’s clothes for daycare and now I just need to mend some pants. Once I get that done, I’m starting something new. Oh but I need to make a t-shirt sample quilt for a class I’ve been asked to teach. And then I can start something new, I hope.

My youngest son bought me a $100-gift card for the local quilt shop and I have a loyalty card for $25- for the same shop. Fabric is calling me. I do need a few non-quilty items so I hoping to use them to buy said items and leave the fabric there. Obviously, I’ve purchased enough fabric there and with the Canadian dollar tanking, fabric prices have really gone up. The last fabric I bought there was 17.87/meter plus tax (13%). Can you believe that? Usually I buy a lot of fabric in the States but with the dollar the way it is, that’s not even profitable for me. I guess I better start using up this gigantic stash until the dollar gets better. Besides I have no money anyway. We finally finished our kitchen after 3 years of not having one. Well a really small one and now it’s still smallish but loads of counter space and still empty cupboards.

Until next week. Toodles!