July 19th, 2020 - I’ve Been Busy
Really! Busy being cooped up! This COVID-19 business is getting to me. It seemed to be pretty well contained here. But lately there has been an increase in the number of community transmissions as more places are opened back up. I couldn’t imagine going out other than for necessities and risk getting the virus. My brother, who had a heart transplant in Dec 2018, was in hospital for shingles, which led to siezures, encephalitis and a stroke, and then contracted COVID-19. What a nightmare that was! He is finally in the clear after being hospitalized for 4.5 months, with 2 negatives and is doing rehab in London ON at Parkwood Hospital. He still has a long way to go. And it’s not just like the normal flu regardless of what people say.
On the quilting front, I have quilted 18 quilts since my last post. I can’t believe that I haven’t posted since January. I love my Gammill Statler stitch, it’s perfect curves and circles. No jerky stitching at all. It plows over the thick seam allowances with no problems.


I have too many quilts done and it takes me forever to load the pictures. I really should post more often. Maybe I will get better at this too.
Now for a Stash Report which will be my year to date totals
Fabric used year to date:171.42 yds( 50 yards was donated for masks)
Fabric added year to date: 137.25 yds
Net fabric busted: 34.17 yds
Finally in the good. That was a lot of quilt backings and a lot of mask making.
In the 15 Minutes to Stitch challenge, I have not being doing all that great. Some days I just can’t seem to get motivated to sew at all. But I still manage to get a lot done. I was up sewing at 8:00 this morning for a few hours. I made some embroidered masks. I have wanted to make a few more since I made this one.

I have the Floriani embroidery software so I was able to add the words. Then I remembered I saw a video from Floriani on word play and I had to give it a try and came up with this.

Anyway, this puts me up to date. Keep safe and stitch on! There’s another word for word play embroidery.
July 19th, 2020 at 4:28 pm
Good to have you back! That’s an impressive amount of fabric used. Thanks for sharing all the beautiful quilts.
July 19th, 2020 at 4:30 pm
[…] yards How did you do this week? 1 maggie f 2 Julie in GA 3 Chrisknits 4 Melva Nolan 5 Meloney 6 Mary-Kay 7 […]
July 22nd, 2020 at 6:16 am
You finished 18 quilts? WOW! Even if you aren’t getting in 15 minute every day, that’s pretty exceptional progress for a few months. Hope your brother is recovering well. Stay well.