September 1st, 2019 - What’s New?
Nothing is new here at The Quilting Junkie. Oh but wait. Something finally happened. My mom was finally able to go home from the hospital. She has been there since April 12 2019 with a broken ankle. It’s all healed up and she did a couple of weeks of rehab and now she is back in her own home where parking is free. We (my brothers and sisters) will see how she does by herself before we make any decisions about whether she can manage. She has personal support worker that comes in 5 times a week, a physiotherapist once a week and a wound care nurse every 2 days. She does not want to go live anywhere else which makes any other decision we make all that harder. But safety first!
In the sewing department, I have managed to sew quite a bit. Of course, none of it was using my fabrics. I was sitting here one night and I just had to sew something. I didn’t want to start something new as I would have to spend time picking out fabric and a pattern. So I grabbed a donation quilt The Quilters Three was working on.Two weeks later, it’s finally done and put away. I didn’t even take a picture of it finished but I do have a picture of the blocks as I laid them out.

There are 3 borders, a 2.5″ black, a 2.5″ dark blue and then a 8″ floral on black. The finished size is 82 by 100. But what a mess it made in my room. Solid black fabric threads everywhere! Black lint in my machine, everywhere! It took me a couple of hours to get it all vacuumed up. I put the top in a large zipper bag where it will stay until it’s time to send it off to be quilted and that’s not happening here. Now I can start on something else. I spray basted 8 baby quilts while I was sewing with the black. I hope I didn’t get any stray threads on the baby quilts. I was careful.
No stash used up here at all. All fabric has been previously accounted for or it wasn’t mine to start with, so my numbers remain the same. I hope it stays that way for a while. Here are my numbers.
Fabric used YTD: 106.95 yds
Fabric added this week: 2.77 yds (I forgot the Stash Builders Box came in)
Fabric added YTD: 130.27 yds
Net fabric busted: -23.32 yds
And today, my sister, who is a new quilter, wants to go visit the lady who is destashing. I hope she hasn’t put out any new stuff as I really don’t need any more fabric. I won’t bring any money as she only accepts cash. No will power here at all! I have enough fabric and thread to last a few lifetimes.
Speaking of threads. I was looking through FB Marketplace and I scored a great find. I spent $280 and got thread valued at over $3300. I wanted just the Isacord embroidery threads (Bernina recommended threads) but had to buy the whole lot. I have enough thread that I probably shouldn’t need any for the rest of my life. Well, except that one specific colour. You know how it goes!

These are the Isacord embroidery threads, boxes included. I still can’t believe the lady who had them just didn’t have time to sew any more. She was practically giving the stuff away. I cleaned up all the boxes, labelled them and organized by number. This is only about a third of the colours available from Isacord. Do I need the rest of the colours? I think I have enough threads that I should be able to embroider anything.

Aurifil 50 weight threads, boxes included. Quite a bit of thread still has the plastic wrap on it. There is Aurifil cotton in 28, 30 and 50 weight and a couple of spools of wool/acrylic blends, Presencia 50 weight cotton, Wonderfil embroidery, Mettler 40 weight embroidery and 50 weight cotton, Sulky 40 weight embroidery, Superior King Tut, Bottom Line and So Fine and a variety of YLI threads. I already have quite the collection of thread but hardly any of these colours or brands. I better start sewing up a storm with all these fantastic colours. The Aurifil boxes are so bright. I can hardly wait to create something!
In the 15 Minutes To Stitch department, I think I’m over the summer vacation lull. In Week #1, I managed to sew for 18 hours and last week, iIgot in 22 hours with 8 of them happening yesterday. I included all the time I spend sewing, cleaning and organizing in my sewing room.
I’m linking up with Donna at quiltpaintcreate for the Stash Report and with Kate at Life In Pieces for the 15 Minutes to Stitch challenge. I hope everyone has a great week and watch out for the kiddos as they are back to school on Tuesday here in Ontario. Yippeeeeee! More time to sew! Sorry kids!
September 1st, 2019 at 11:42 am
[…] No fabric out this week. The nine patch top is quilted and the binding cut. Today is all about binding that quilt. The finish will do wonders for my numbers next week. My Art Quilt Group is doing a challenge that includes using a specific fabric. One fat quarter in for that. Fabric Added: 55.45 Fabric Used: 9.625 yards Net Fabric In: 45.825 yards How did you do this week? 1 Chrisknits 2 Meloney 3 Mary-Kay […]
September 1st, 2019 at 11:43 am
Great score on the thread! The donation quilt is beautiful.
September 1st, 2019 at 6:21 pm
Wow, what a find on the thread! You should be set for a while 🙂
September 2nd, 2019 at 5:16 pm
Love the donation quilt, very bright! No fabric in, but lots of stitching time. At least you’ve got a few quilts all ready for quilting when you get the itch to be back at the machine.