February 15th, 2014 - The Stash

My stash is getting smaller every week and I’m starting to like the challenge of using it up. Especially the part about spending no money to make all these lovely quilts. Anyway here are my numbers for the last couple of weeks.

Fabric used this week: 18.42 yds

Fabric used YTD: 29.06 yds

Fabric added this week and YTD: 0 yds

Net fabric busted: 29.06 yds

If I could use this much fabric every month, I’d be in the good! I do know that it might come to a screeching halt when I go to my sisters at the end of the month. I need some wide backings for 3 quilts and there’s some flannel there from Black Friday. Oops! That will be counted when I actually receive it. But I do know that I’m planning on using it for some comfort quilts that are sitting here waiting for it. I guess as long as it’s being used and not just stashed, all will be good.

Have a great day and maybe it’s sunny in your neck of the woods.


3 Responses to “The Stash”

  1. Charlene S Says:

    I figure that as long as it is being used in a reasonable time is wasn’t stashed! Have fun using your stash. Remember backs can be pieced from stash too. Mine sometimes look like a modern quilt and sometimes like a “coat of many colors”!

  2. Dar in MO Says:

    I’m cheering you on and congrats on using so much stash for your quilts. I’m trying to do the same, although I don’t see my stash getting smaller. lol

  3. Susan Says:

    Wow, your totals are looking good. The backings will sort of be fabric in, fabric out, won’t they? That shouldn’t do too much harm. =)

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