Archive for January, 2008
January 28th, 2008 - First Post
Hello, my name’s Mary-Kay and I’m new to the blogosphere. My son helped me create this because I’m not that great with computers, but I think I might be pretty good at quilting and cross-stitch.
I used to be involved in a variety of crafts including candle making, rubber stamps and card making. Now I mostly quilt with my sister, Annette and my friends Betty and Debbie. Together, my friends Betty, Debbie and I are the “Quilter’s Three”. We make comfort quilts for people who have life-threatening illnesses.
I’m also a member of the local Quilting Guild and I teach classes at the community center and a local quilt shop. Besides all this, I work full time outside the home and am the mother of two lovely (NOT!) boys and have been married for 24 years to my husband, Brett.
This blog is mostly going to be about quilts, quilting, and… more quilting! (: Thanks for dropping by!