November 20th, 2011 - The Stash

Hi there! Long time no posting but you know how time flies when you’re not doing anything productive. I seem to be in the quilting or anything sewing-related rut. Hopefully I’ll get out of it before I really lose interest in all this beautiful fabric that seems to keep coming home with me. A local quilt shop was having a sale so I bought a few yards and then I won a few yards. Boy does that add up! Anyway, here is my awesome stash report.

Fabric used this report: 9.93 yds

Fabric used YTD: 142.61 yds

Fabric added this report: 38.79 yds

Fabric added YTD: 192.81 yds

Net fabric busted: -50.20 yds

 Okay, so that’s a crappy total but I’m hoping to at least get it down to maybe 20 yards before the year end. Time to sew! See you later.


One Response to “The Stash”

  1. Allie Says:

    Why yes, I DO know how time flies when you’re not productive, lol….but hey it’s a hobby, not a job. You just sew when you feel like it. Good to see you, Mary-Kay!

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